I first heard the sounds of R. Carlos Nakai's highly evocative Native American flute playing in 2005 from his album Changes. I then committed myself to learn the Native American-style flute in early 2007, which proved to be a revelation for my musical expression.
Soon after that, the bug started. As I continued to learn, I began buying more and more flutes in different keys, and when I received them, I took them out to play in some tunnels that I’d found not far from my apartment in Chuncheon, Korea. There, I’d improvise freely, sometimes for hours. Then I began making simple videos of myself playing in those tunnels and posting them on my YouTube channel in August 2008. This proved very satisfying as it allowed me a way to share my newfound love of the Native American-style flute with the whole world.
In 2010, I managed to record my first CD of both solo and accompanied Native American-style flute music titled Under Watchful Skies. In the ensuing years, the albums Elegant Simplicity (2011), Moonlight Meditations (2012), the single When Morning Comes (2014), and Autumn Muse (2019) were released.
During the COVID-19 pandemic of 2020, I created a number of pieces by request from my friend Jake Folger for use on his relaxation music-based YouTube site called Soothing You. These are between 20 minutes and over an hour in length and center on long, slow passages played on deep-pitched Native American-style flutes. They include a backdrop of simple, subtle keyboards combined with ambient sounds of nature such as spring peepers, birdsong, and thunderstorms. These relaxing pieces are all freely downloadable from both my Soundcloud and Bandcamp sites and are available copyright-free for anyone's use via Creative Commons.
Recently, I have also re-posted large collections of flute songs. These are in fact the audio portions of most of my YouTube videos. Eight of these were made available in 2013 but were later removed. I now offer them again with revised cover art along with two more albums' worth of this material. They are In Autumn, Vol. 1~3, Painting in the Shadows, Sense of Wonder, Endlessly Flowing Stream, Frozen Moments, Of Tunnels & Light..., and Flutations, Vol. 1 & 2. All are available for free download on Bandcamp. Donations are of course welcome!
Finally, my latest work titled In The Great Outdoors has arrived! This work features 21 tracks with Native American-style flutes, simple percussion, and the sounds of nature. The flute is the only melodic instrument this time.
I continue to find great pleasure in creating songs using the Native American-style flute. It is my desire that this music brings you much satisfaction and joy. Thank you so much for giving me your time and attention, and above all, keep on playing the flute!