Collaborations with Other Artists
Peter Every
(Coventry, U.K.)
Peter used the audio from one of my YouTube videos that featured a Jonah Thompson F#m flute on the track "The Guest House" from the upcoming release Unpleasure [and other interventions]. The flute matches the mood of the song and blends particularly well, I have to say!
The River Fane
(Dublin, Ireland)
This cool Indy folk/electronica band asked me if they could build a track around one of my YouTube improvisations. Of course I said "Yes" to that. It was the Kuzin Bruce Em drone flute, by the way. The result was quite sublime: they had a piano drifting in and out around the flute plus some subtle keyboard sounds for accents. This hasn't been released yet, but I suspsect its day is coming soon...
Igor Lisul
(Kikinda, Serbia)
Igor is a superb guitarist who plays melodic rock. He has great technique, but more important, his playing exudes emotion. He asked me to add flutes to his song, a ballad called "Inspired by the Sun," so I obliged him with an F#m flute at the beginning and a Dm flute at the end, both made by Laughing Crow Flutes.
Roee Amir
(Jerusalem, Israel)
Roee got in touch with me about recording a part on my bass F#m flute for a song he'd created. The *beautiful* piece that resulted is called "Kamti Beashmoret" and is partly based on an ancient Jewish-Morrocan chant. The lyrics are by Rabbi Moses ibn Ezra. My flute appears at 0:32 and again together with an urdu at 1:58 Check this one out on YouTube!
Sandy Herrault
(Charlotte, North Carolina, U.S.A.)
Sandy & I were both separately asked to contribute music to an independent film by talented young director Steven Gibson of Denver, North Carolina. The film, Fall of the Hunter's Moon, was subsequently shelved but may yet see the light of day. Nevertheless, Sandy, a violin teacher and splendid musician, had taken an 8-minute long track that I had recorded for Steven and orchestrated a 2-minute segment with her violin. Coincidentally, the track had already been titled "Full Moon Night" well before I ever knew of Steven or his film!
Stephen McCabe
(Cheshire, U.K.)
I've always enjoyed Stephen's U.K.-based underground progressive rock band called Elegant Simplicity and was thrilled recently when he asked me to contribute some flute to a track from his upcoming album All Life Is One. The song is called "Love Is Transferred."
Dominique Fraissard
(North Slocan Valley, British Columbia, Canada)
Dom is a respected folk artist originally from Australia. He's toured all over Oz as well as Canada and other locales and has worked with some big names. When he was busy composing the music for an indy film about an around-the-world bike trek called Reveal The Path, he sought me out for some solo bass F#m flute sounds. The piece I sent him doesn't appear in the film proper but serves as music that plays over the DVD menus.